I am frequently asked how someone arrives at a career in medical illustration. My reply is simple. I followed and combined the two passions in my life, science and art. As a child, I could be found in one of several places, exploring the many fascinations of nature in my yard, near the neighborhood creek or in my room, drawing my discovery of the day. Sometimes the two disciplines converged, with lizards brought inside the house to serve as models, often to my mother’s horror.
Medical Illustration is a small niche, explored by a few individuals worldwide whose brains are equally divided between the left and right, the creative and the scientific. We strive to use our talent to connect the two worlds, to communicate between the scientific world and broader audiences.
A medical illustrator is a professional artist who studies medicine and science and visual communication. I have added skills as a certified pathologists’ assistant, a certification I earned while working, training and studying with a group of pathologists. I believe this allows me to understand medicine from a different perspective with a greater understanding of the clinician and patient viewpoint.
Medical Illustration is a satisfying career, gratifying passions and connecting two worlds to serve a greater good.