Pure Color and Science

Medical Color Portfolio

Thank you for visiting our color medical illustration page. We create custom illustrations to meet your specific needs. Please use our contact form to contact us about your color medical illustration needs.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality

Low Poly Neurons Low poly neuron created in Gravity Sketch and adjusted in Blender and uploaded to Sketchfab. https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/neuron-a27e347073b94e819cc8cad2b3c4050e Gross Pathology VR Training Design Prototyping for a pathology virtual reality training application. I created this...

Pure Color and Science

larynx medical illustration

Pure Color and Science where science meets pure color creating medical illustrations and scientific illustrations.
Pure Color and Science features the Medical Illustration and Scientific Illustration of Karen Vanderpool-Haerle.
Karen has been creating medical and scientific images for 20 years. Her images have been displayed by
multiple corporations, journals, texts, and websites. Custom illustrations, models, and virtual reality experiences can be created in subject matter including cellular, anatomical, surgical, and patient education. Please visit our portfolio pages to view examples of our work. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you with your visual communication needs.